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Scheduler: Bulk Action

A feature that allows you to edit multiple posts at once!

Tereza avatar
Written by Tereza
Updated over a week ago

The Bulk Action feature is the best solution for bulk edits in your calendar. Whether you need to change the status of multiple posts or remove or duplicate posts, you can do so within a few seconds.

Access the bulk feature by clicking the "Select" icon at the top right corner of your Scheduler screen.

Select the posts, hit the "Bulk Action" button, and select one of the options.

  • Advanced Duplication – to duplicate posts to another workspace, date, or UQ.

  • Send to Chat – to send selected content for approval or further discussion in the Chat.

  • Change Post Status – to change the post status of all selected posts at once

  • Delete Posts – to remove all selected posts.

Advanced Duplication

Select posts and ideas and choose if you want to duplicate them to the same calendar but on a different day, to another Workspace or Scheduler, or to duplicate it to the Unscheduled Queue. Learn more

Send to Chat

Get your posts approved within minutes! Send posts to your teammate for approval via ZoomSphere Chat. Send it as a DM or to any group or workspace chat. Learn more

Change Post Status

Select all posts and change their post status at once with one simple action to save time.

Delete Posts

Remove multiple posts at once.

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