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Rules: How to Use Them & Settings

Automate your incoming messages and comments

Tereza avatar
Written by Tereza
Updated over a week ago

The Rules feature is an excellent tool for automating, organizing, sorting, and tagging entries in both the Community Management App and the Monitoring App.

The Master account or the App Owner can create new Rules in the App Settings/Rules.

New Rule

Then click "Create new rule" and give it some practical name.

How it Works

The "IF" serves as the condition or rule, and the "THEN" specifies the resulting action.


Now, determine what you want to apply the rule to. You can choose from various options for the Message, referring to incoming comments, posts, etc., in the app's queue or the Original Post Content.

Message = DM/comment/review/other actions from a client

  • Message Content = the content of an actual incoming message (comment, review...)

  • Message Recipient = one of your social media channels.

  • Message Source = the source of the message, e.g. Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Web Article...

  • Message Type = the type of the message, like Admin Post, Comment, DM, Review...

  • Message Author Name = the name of the person who is sending the message

  • Original Post Content = the original post from the social media profile.

Original Post Contains: This is very useful for social media contests when high amounts of people are interacting and commenting below your contest post, and you need to automatically archive all those comments (if you prefer to save your precious time not closing everything manually πŸ˜‰). Learn more


Choose the action that will follow after "IF" happens.

  • Assign To – assign it to your teammates. Learn more

  • Send Email – sends a notification to an email address of your choice

  • Set Label – read how you can set and create labels (Positive, Negative, Contest, etc.) Learn more

  • Set Status – the native status set for both apps is Archive, which means that it will automatically close (sent to "Closed" inbox)

  • Set Tag – select any of your existing tags. If you need to know how to create a new tag. Learn more


You can add more conditions inside one Rule by clicking on the PLUS BUTTON.

πŸ‘‰ Click the AND/OR BUTTON and then click again to switch between AND and OR.

  • AND means that you have to meet all the conditions at once.

  • OR means it will apply even if only one of the conditions is met.

You can create as many rules as you want.

Practical Examples

Message Content + Set Label/Set Tag + Assign to

If the message contains some specific word/words, it will automatically set a label or tag and assign it to someone from your team.

Message Source + Email

If you set a Source to Web Article (in the Monitoring App), once there is a new article, the app will notify the entered email.

Message Source + Set Label

If the message source is set to Facebook (in the Community Management app), it will automatically set a label of your choice. This can be very useful because you can see both Tags and Labels among the data in Statistics.

Original Post Content + Set Status + Archive

You can see this example above already. It will automatically close and archive incoming messages. We recommend also adding the label Contest (or tag).
More info here: Community Management: Automatic Archiving for Social Media Contests Posts

Message Type + Assign

If you have someone in your team who takes care of answering reviews, you can assign it to her/him.


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