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Monitoring: Key Features

How to use Monitoring App.

Tereza avatar
Written by Tereza
Updated over a week ago

There are two main options for using ZoomSphere Social Media & Web Monitoring Tool (Monitoring App).

1. Competitors analysis

You can connect your connected channels and External Channels to the app, and see selected content from these sources. Copy and paste the URL of the external page and hit Load.

Please note that only Facebook pages are supported as external profiles.

Once your app is saved, our system will retrieve the public content of connected profiles – Admin posts, comments, replies, visitors posts, and more! 

Now, you can sort, categorize, and analyze the content and even respond to posts, comments, and replies directly from ZoomSphere.

2. Keyword monitoring

In the Search section of the Monitoring App, you can set up keywords and phrases to look for relevant mentions online. Read more about Query.

Please note that our system searches Facebook and external online sources (web).

It is not possible to monitor Instagram and LinkedIn – the data of these two social media networks are not public.

How Monitoring works – summary:

The Monitoring App can monitor keywords on the web and Facebook – but not on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn because these platforms don't generally allow a full-text search.

So, if you connect an Instagram profile as external, it will give you results from this profile (published posts), but you cannot search "inside" those posts.

Facebook: we monitor Pages and comments on pages.
The Monitoring app can monitor only pages that are connected to ZoomSphere (by you or anyone else from any other team) and search for mentions in their content. It is not possible to monitor Groups and personal profiles.

The monitoring can also search websites and forums, but it is possible that some resources are missing in our database. That will change in one to two months because we are working on a new Monitoring App that will cover a huge amount of resources.

Once your query is created (to find out how to write a query, please refer to the search tips in the app settings or click here), select the language of your search, test the query, and save your app.

Your search results will be displayed in your app dashboard, and keywords from your query will be highlighted in each mention.

In Monitoring App, you can also:

  • Filter content by various criteria (date range, source, type ...)

  • Download results in multiple formats (xls, pdf, HTML)

  • Analyze results and download charts

  • Create rules and automatize specific tasks

  • Setup alerts and export  



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