💡 Please note that the sum of fans is just an estimate that Instagram provided us. The sum of followers from the graphs here may not correspond with the current number. Metrics support data only for yesterday. Some fans may not have stated their gender or birthdate.
Follower’s trend
Daily trend of the total number of people who followed your account.
Followers by Local
The locales by country codes of the Business User’s followers. Does not include the
current day’s data.
Followers by City
The cities of the Business User’s followers. Does not include the current day’s data.
Followers by Country
The countries of the Business User’s followers. Does not include the current day’s
Followers by Gender and Age
The gender and age distribution of the Business User’s followers. Does not include
the current day’s data.
Impressions - Deprecated by March 18, 2025
Total number of times the Business User's content (i.e., posts, stories, and promotions) have been viewed. Includes ad activity generated through the API, Facebook ads interfaces, and the Promote feature. Does not include profile views. - Read more about this deprecation
Total number of times the Business User's content (i.e., posts, stories, and promotions) have been uniquely viewed. Includes ad activity generated through the API, Facebook ads interfaces, and the Promote feature.
💡 Please note that the data shown here are fully organic due to official Instagram API limitations.
Admin posts
The full list of posts published in the selected date range with given post statistics.
The total number of interactions (likes + comments) the post received from organic distribution.
The total number of likes the post received from organic and paid distribution.
The total number of comments the post received from organic and paid distribution.
Views (= old Impressions)
The total number of times the post has been seen.
- For Reels: Views are counted as the number of times a Reel has started to play or been replayed. This is essentially the same as Plays, which is now being rebranded as Views.
- For Static Posts (Photos & Carousels): Views are counted as the number of times the content appears on a person’s screen. This means Views for photos and carousels work similarly to how Impressions worked before (i.e., every display counts as a View).
The total number of unique accounts that have seen the post.
The total number of unique accounts that have saved the post.
Video views
The total number of times the video has been seen. Returns 0 for videos in carousel albums. (Videos only)
Carousel Engagement
The total number of likes and comments on the carousel album.
Carousel Impressions
The total number of times the carousel album has been seen.
Carousel Reach
The total number of unique accounts that have seen the carousel album.
Carousel Saved
The total number of unique accounts that have saved the carousel album.
Post Level Stats
Please note that the data shown here are fully organic due to official Instagram API limitations. 💡
Admin Posts by type
The daily number of published posts is broken down by type.
Top Photo Filters
Most used Instagram photo filters on your posts.
Most Engaging Photo filters
Most photo filters generating the most interactions in your account.
Top Video filters
Most used Instagram video filters on your posts.
Most Engaging Video filters
The video filters generating the most interactions in your account.
Top Hashtags
The most used hashtags used in your account.
Most Engaging Hashtags by Interactions
The hashtags generating the most interactions in your account.
Account Interactions
The number of interactions your posts received, broken down by type.
The average number of interactions per post
The average number of interactions your account receive per post in the selected date range.
The most engaging time slots for your posts
The total number of interactions your posts received in the selected date range, broken down by weekday and hour.
Interactions by Day of the Week
The total number of interactions your posts received in the selected date range, is broken down by weekday.
Interactions by Hour of the Day
The total number of interactions your posts received in the selected date range, broken down by hour in a day.
Admin Stories by type
The total number of published stories is broken down by type.
The total number of unique accounts that have seen the story.
The total number of times the story has been seen.
Impressions are available until the 1st of April 2025 and will still be available retroactively.
New metric available from the 17th of March 2025.
The total number of times the story has been seen.
The total number of replies to the story.
The number of times someone exited the story.
Taps Forward
The total number of taps to see this story's next photo or video.
Taps Back
The total number of taps to see this story's previous photo or video.
⚠️ Meta has announced that the Impressions metric for Instagram will be fully deprecated on April 21, 2025. This means that after this date, Impressions data will no longer be available in ZoomSphere Analytics, as it is being removed from Meta’s API.
✅ What’s Changing?
The Instagram Impressions metric will be removed from all reports.
Meta is introducing a new Views metric, which will replace Impressions.
⚠️ On January 9, 2025, META has removed some metrics from the Followers section.
These metrics are no longer available in ZoomSphere:
New followers, Profiles views, Online followers, Email contacts, Directions link, Call links, Message clicks, Website clicks
Analytics: Why Facebook Reach Differs in Zoomsphere and on Facebook
Analytics: Why a Local Facebook Page Displays Global Data for Number of Fans