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Administrator: Create a New User

How to create & invite new user to team

Tereza avatar
Written by Tereza
Updated over 6 months ago

New Users can only be created by Administrator. There is only one Administrator on each ZoomSphere team.

1. Create and Invite New User

First, click "Create a new user" in the Users & Team Settings.

Basic info

→ Fill in all the information, add an email address, hit "Save and continue."

Access & Roles

→ Give access to install apps, create reports in Report Builder, and create chat channels.

→ Grant access to Social media channels.

→ Assign a Scheduler/Community role

Shared Apps

→ Select which Apps the User can access and work with.


→ Send an email invitation and wait for the user to activate their account.

That's it. Good job! 👏

Now, you must wait for your new teammate to activate their account.

2. Activate the Account (Steps for the new user)

The invitation will be sent to the user's email address. It needs to be accepted by clicking the Join ZoomSphere button.

→ The user needs to create a password and click the Activate button.

The password needs to meet all the requirements to activate the account.

And that is it! 👍

The account activation has been completed, and your new teammate can start working with ZoomSphere. ✔️

Email already exists; what can I do?

→ It means that this email has already been registered in ZoomSphere, so it can't be added to your team. Learn more

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